Ordering Police Reports

Police Records Retrieval gives you the ability to order and receive a wide range of reports-auto accident, building fire, vandalism, and more- from police jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Some jurisdictions require an authorization letter from the insurance company authorizing LexisNexis as an approved third-party processor. Our database tracks these jurisdictions and our system automatically generates the necessary authorizations.


United States and U.S. Territories Abbreviations

State Abbreviation State Abbreviation State Abbreviation
Alabama AL Kentucky KY Ohio OH
Alaska AK Louisiana LA Oklahoma OK
Arizona AZ Main ME Oregon OR
Arkansas AR Maryland MD Pennsylvania PA
California CA Massachusetts MA Puerto Rico PR
Colorado CO Michigan MI Rhode Island RI
Connecticut CT Minnesota MN South Carolina SC
Delaware DE Mississippi MS South Dakota SD
District of Columbia DC Missouri MO Tennessee TN
Florida FL Montana MT Texas TX
Georgia GA Nebraska NE Utah UT
Guam GU Nevada NV Vermont VT
Hawaii HI New Hampshire NH Virginia VA
Idaho ID New Jersey NJ Virgin Islands VI
Illinois IL New Mexico NM Washington WA
Indiana IN New York NY West Virginia WV
Iowa IA North Carolina NC Wisconsin WI
Kansas KS North Dakota ND Wyoming WY

Canadian Province Abbreviations

Province Abbreviation Province Abbreviation
Alberta AB Northwest Territories NT
British Columbia BC Ontario ON
Manitoba MB Prince Edward Island PE
New Brunswick NB Quebec QC
Newfoundland NF Saskatchewan SK
Nova Scotia NS Yukon YT

Select Report

All report types can be viewed and selected within the dropdown menu. Required fields vary by the type of report ordered. The search form for each type of report indicates required information with a red asterisk *. Any additional information that you can include in the search will assist the responding jurisdiction to find and verify that they are returning the correct report.

Report Type Descriptions

Report Type Description
Photos Photos of scene.
All Registered Vehicles at Household This search uses the year, make, model, name and address to locate all vehicles registered at one location. This search provides a complete listing of vehicles registered allowing you to find additional vehicles, non-listed drivers, verify vehicle registration and ownership information.
Arrest Report Provides name of the arrested person along with any and all charges, arresting officer's name, personal information pertaining to the arrestee, such as name, driver's license number, etc.
Auto Accident Individuals involved in the accident, description of vehicles, narrative, and witness statements.
Auto Theft Vehicle description, owner's information and insured/claimant narrative.
Auto Theft Recovery Report Location of recovery, condition of vehicle at the time of recovery and suspect information.
Birth Certificate Provides the full name, date of birth, place of birth, parental information.
Citation/Conviction Report A reference to previous court decisions or authoritative writings. Detail of all charges pending towards individual from an officer.
Autopsy/Coroners Report Determined cause of death, autopsy report, body description of deceased and some police departments provide the toxicology report along with this report; however, each department is different. The toxicology report may be ordered separate as a report type 'Z'.
Death Certificate Provides the date of passing, next of kin, and often cause of death.
DUI Report Suspect information , "blood alcohol content" (BAC) results, breathalyzer results, and conclusion.
EMS Report Includes any known detail of physical injuries, location of the occurrence of injury, and any pre-hospital treatment.
Face Sheet/ Log Sheet A report that indicates that an Accident occurred. It has the involved parties listed with the location and date of loss. It is usually the first page of the report.
Homicide Report Scene description, deceased information, investigation narrative, probable cause of death if determined, no suspect information is available due to felonious offense with the exception of vehicular homicide reports.
Insurance Verification Name of the insurance company, individual's policy and vehicle information.
Issue Letter Interest Notice sent on behalf of the Insurance Carrier advising whom to contact in the event a recovery of stolen items is made. The Police Agency is advised of Carrier name, Claim number, Date of Loss, and Adjuster contact.
Other Witness statements, mv104 reports, unusually reports, etc.
Reconstruction Report When vehicles are moved prior to the arrival of an officer on the scene, the officer takes details from the involved party (ies) along with physical evidence to reconstruct an accident scene.
Registered Vehicle Owner Vehicle information and registered vehicle owner information including address, when available.
Fire Building Extinguishing method, location of structure, owner and tenant's name, date, time type of damage, exposures, and if arson is suspected.
Supplemental Report Details information not obtained at the origin of the report.
Theft/Burglary List of stolen property and value, type of entry, and suspect information.
Title History Complete history of vehicle ownership.
Toxicology Report Record of the nature, effect, and detection of poisons pertaining to possible cause of death or physical condition at the time of death.
Vandalism Property owner, incident location , date, time, type of damage, suspect information, and narrative.
Fire Car Vehicle information, owner information, location and run times.

Agency Type Abbreviations

Agency Type Abbreviation
Bureau of Vital Statistics BVS
County Fire Department CO FD
County Police Department CO PD
County Sheriff CO SO
Coroner CORON
Court House COURT
Department of Motor Vehicles DMV
Department of Public Safety DPS
Emergency Medical Services EMS
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Fire Department FD
Highway Patrol / State Police HP
Military Police MP
For All Canada Requests PD
Police Department PD
Security SEC
Sheriff SO
Township Police Department TWP PD
Township Fire Department TWP FD

Order Management

Turn-around-times vary by jurisdiction and report type. Average turn around times are tracked by jurisdiction. The LexisNexis Claims Record Unit is trained to quickly follow up when requests exceed normal turn-around-times.

Order Status

LexisNexis assigns a status to each order to allow you to follow your order's progress.

Status Description
Outstanding Shows a listing of all requests that don't have a response from the requested agency.
Completed Shows a listing of all requests that have received responses.
Viewed Shows a listing of all responses that have been viewed in the Report Manager.


LexisNexis allows designated adjusters to perform a search by claim number or person.

Step Action
1 In the Report Manager select Police Record Reports in the Other Reports drop down
2 Click the Order Status from the Order Status drop-down menu.
3 Enter the available search information.
4 Click Submit Request. A list of orders that meet your criteria entered will be displayed.

Viewing Order Details

LexisNexis provides designated adjusters the ability to verify the information provided when ordering a report. The following table explains the procedures for viewing an order's details.

Step Action
1 In the Report Manager select Police Record Reports in the Other Reports drop down menu.
2 Click the Order Status from the Order Status drop-down menu.
3 Enter the available search information.
4 Click Submit Request. A list of orders that meet your criteria entered will be displayed.
5 Click the icon beside the order under the Order Detail header.

Viewing Reports

After a report has been completed, it can be viewed in the Report Manager if the adjuster's security access permits it. The following table explains the steps to view a report.

Step Action
1 In the Report Manager select Police Record Reports in the Other Reports drop down menu.
2 Click the Order Status from the Order Status drop-down menu.
3 Enter the available search information.
4 Click Submit Request. A list of orders that meet your criteria entered will be displayed.
5 Click on the Order Number.
Note: To view a report, Acrobat Reader must be installed on the computer.

Termination Code Descriptions

Termination codes and descriptions are displayed in the Order Detail section of the Report Manager and in notification response PDF documents.

Code Description
Police Report Attached A report was found by police records and forwarded by LexisNexis.
No Report Found Report could not be found with the information provided. Suggestions are made as to what information would help.
No Report Written Some agencies do not write a report for losses on private property or if the loss is under a certain value.
Report Released to Insured Only A few agencies will not release a report to anyone other than a party involved.
Insufficient Info to Order If a report cannot be ordered due to a missing piece of critical information, a notice is generated telling what information is needed.
Report Number Needed If an agency requires a report number to do a search and it is missing from the request.
Duplicate Request If an active request in our system and a duplicate request is generated, a notice is sent of the duplicate and the report is not re-ordered.
Police Agency failed to respond If a report request is distressed, two or more calls are made. When we have been promised the report but it still is not received, we terminate the request.
Conflicting Information on Request The report request had information in one section that conflicted with another section. Example: Order report from "CA HP" but the state of loss shows "NJ".
Wrong Jurisdiction - More Info Required The request specified an agency, but they advised LexisNexis it was not theirs. There was insufficient info to determine the correct jurisdiction.
Signed Release Required Some police agencies require a party involved to sign a release allowing us to get a copy of the report.
Miscellaneous - Not Found If a report cannot be found for reasons out of the ordinary, No Report Found notice with notes of explanation is sent.
Wrong Jurisdiction - Reroute The request specified an agency but they advised LexisNexis it was handled by another jurisdiction. We reroute the request to the correct jurisdiction.
Agency Address Change If the report was requested from an agency that has moved and comes back to us as "No Forwarding Address", we obtain the correct address and reorder the report.
Agency Requirements Change If the report was requested from an agency that has changed their requirements since our last contact, we send a notice and reorder the report.
Wrong Info Submitted from Client This is the same as NRFN, except the information is incorrect and would never find a report. We fax a notice explaining the issue.
CRU Error Occasionally we will make a mistake. We take corrective action, reorder the report and fax a notice advising you of the situation.
Agency Error - Reorder Sometimes and agency will make a mistake and requires corrective action. We coordinate the corrective action with the agency.