The Business Search is designed to identify/verify a business and return data relevant to that entity.
Returned elements vary (depending on your input) but may include: Company Name, Address, Contact Name, Contact Title, Contact SSN, FEIN, Phone Number, Parent Company, and Source Documents.
The business databases contain records on both private businesses and government agencies.
Topics in this help are listed below:
First, try to locate the subject using one or more of the following search techniques:
This is an optional field. It can be your case name or number. You can enter an alpha-numeric string. This information may be used to track all the searches for a case or for billing. For a normal user you will find Reference in the Comprehensive Report for person; for an administrator, you will find the Reference in the Activity and Billing Info.
Search by FEIN
One FEIN search may result in multiple business records. A parent company can possess a FEIN and each subsidiary can be given this same FEIN. All businesses associated with a FEIN will be returned in the search.
On the other hand it is not unusual for a business to possess multiple FEINs. Also some of the records in the database may contain a FEIN; some may not. So providing a FEIN could eliminate records you wish to include.
Search by Address
Address search is the one of the most commonly used techniques, even if the address is dated. An old address may lead to the current address.
An address search returns all the companies historically and currently located at the address. If you are missing the current information for the subject business, other businesses at the same address may be useful contacts.
For an address search, names are not required.
To search all houses on a street in a certain block, enter the block number and an asterisk (*). For example, to search the 1200 block of Main Street, type "12* Main St."
Note: A search of the 100 block (1*) will also match addresses in the 1000 and 10000 range.
If you are unsure of the exact address, you can perform an address range search by using a colon (:) or a comma (,). For example, to search for every business between 120 Main Street and 327 Main Street, enter "120:327 Main St." or "120,327 Main St."
Search by Personal Information
If you search with personal information (SSN/Name and Address), all the businesses and individuals related to this person will display. They too may serve as leads in the identification/investigation of a subject business.
Caution: Not all business records have contact persons/business executives listed. So searching with SSN or name and address may eliminate some records you want to include.
Once you enter the intended search criteria and click the Search button, a list of results will display. This list includes current and historical data on the business.
The results display in the order that they match the search criteria. The most closely matched records are on the top of the result set.
Returned elements may include some or all of the following:
Find the Subject in the Results List
Identify the subject business entities by carefully examining the information displayed. Make sure the record(s) you pick fits what is already known about the business.
Expand/Narrow the List of Results
If too few or no results are returned, loosen the search by removing the most precise or uncertain criteria, like the exact Street Address. In the extreme case you can search by Company Name without a State. That will give you all the companies in the United States with the same company name.
If your search returns a long list of results, it is recommended that you add more search criteria. The more specific the search, the less records returned.
If you search by Company Name alone, your results list may be really long. We recommend adding the following criteria, if known, in this order:
Government/Law Enforcement customers frequently question the credibility of data they are analyzing. They have expressed that the more frequent a data item shows up in a resulting search, the more credibility is assigned to it. The Source Documents feature is designed to address this interest by generating a list of sources, number of hits, and timeframe to give the end users a gauge of what level of credibility they want to assign to a result. Based on the source information they will be in a better position to direct their investigation by making more informed decisions as it relates to following up on tips and leads and conducting investigations.
Source Documents information for business is obtainable after a Business Search. There is a *View Sources link under the Name column on the search results page. A number with the “~” sign, which indicates the approximate number of unique data sources used for this record, is placed by the right side of the link.
Clicking the *View Sources link leads to a pop-up box with source documents summary.
Note: The response time varies. Business records with a large number of sources behind them may take longer.
Only one pop-up box is displayed at one time. The box closes automatically when you click the *View Sources link for another subject.
You can do one or all of the followings from the source documents summary box.
The following is a list of components included in the Source Documents for business:
Note: Depending on the subjects, not all the components may be present. For example, if a business never registers a phone number, the Phone information may be missing.
The list below is the Source Documents information available for each of the components above:
The search utilizes more than 50 data sources, regardless of your search criteria. In the User Interface most of the sources are self explanatory. For example, Tax Assessor Records. A few may need brief explanations.
There are a few things you can do with the results records. You can copy/print/email one or all records, export the results list to Excel, search deeper on elements with hyperlinks, launch Relavint, and order reports.
Copy/Print/Email the Record
To copy a record so you can paste it in another application,
To print/email a record,
To copy/print/email all records on the list,
Export the Results List to Excel
Make sure you have Excel in your computer. If not exporting is not an option.
You can later open the .csv file in Excel and then save it as an .xls file.
Search Deeper
In the results list, Company Name, FEIN, Address, and phone contain links for further searches on a business.
Launch Relavint
The Relavint chart is ready in a matter of seconds.
To learn more about this linking tool, click the ?HELP button at the bottom left.
Order Reports
Two reports are available on the results list: Business Report (which covers every aspect of the subject) and Address Report (which returns people/businesses that are currently or historically associated with the address).
The following is the steps to order a Business Report.
These report options can be set up in the Preferences screen and apply to all reports. Here is just another chance for you to manually set your preferences for this particular report.
1. | From the My Account screen
click the Preferences tab. Note: If this is your first time since login to access My Account, you will be prompted to Verify Password. |
2. | Once you enter the password, click the Continue button. You are brought to the Preferences tab. | |
3. | Click the down arrow by Other User Settings and select a specific report from the list. The options for the report display in the middle of the page. | |
4. | Check the box by Prompt me for these options. | |
5. | Click the Save Preferences button. You will see “Your Preferences have been Saved” in the middle of the page. |